EnerGold® 24-Karat Gold in a Bottle Colloidal Gold
(Two Concentrations: 200 ppm, 500 ppm)
Review Customer Advice, Uses, and Testimonials
Not Like Others' Kindergarten Brews Of Diluted Colored Water And Chemicals! EnerGold® 24-Karat Gold in a Bottle Colloidal Gold is made with
our specially-designed proprietary high-voltage equipment using the highest-purity commercially-available 99.99%-Pure Gold and retains its characteristic
beautiful color ranging from orange-red to red-violet due to the scattering of light by its gold particles, similar in principle to why the mineral iron is
the reason for the reddish hues of human blood. Shake Well And Hold Up To A Light-bulb To View The Beautiful Transparent Deep-Ruby-Red Color Of
Our Inimitable Ultraconcentrated Formulation.
(See video here.)
Gold Is A Superconductor Of Electrical Impulses And Deflector Of Radiation. Our Proprietary Formulation's Deep-Ruby-Red Color Means
Ultraconcentrated With THE MOST PURE GOLD, Made In Three Distinct Batches, which others cannot claim or achieve:
- one with particle size <2 nanometers (near-clear)
- one with particle size between 2 and 12 nanometers (pink-orange)
- one with particle size between 13 and greater than 24 nanometers (red-violet)
Then, after their completion, the three batches are combined, rendering a single batch containing gold particles ranging from <2 to greater than 24 nanometers.
- Not Like Others' Kindergarten Brews Of Diluted Colored Water And Chemicals! Made With Our Specially-Designed Proprietary High-Voltage Equipment
Using The Highest-Purity Commercially-Available 99.99%-Pure Gold, Distilled Water, Trace Amount Of Our Own Gold-Based and -Infused Monoatomic Gold/ORMUS
For Stability Of The Ultraconcentrated Suspension. Shake Well And Hold Up To A Light-bulb To View The Beautiful Transparent Deep-Ruby-Red
Color Of Our Inimitable Ultraconcentrated Formulation. Beware Of Those Hiding Their Chemical-Laden MYSTERY-MATERIALS In Colored Bottles!
- Earning Supreme Acclaim By Healthcare Practitioners Worldwide, Including Plastic And Cosmetic Surgeons, Holistic Physicians, Homeopaths,
Neurosurgeons, Wound Specialists, Dermatologists, Dentists, Oral Surgeons, Osteopaths, Veterinarians, And Chiropractors. See Our Many
Paragraphs-long 5-Star Testimonials Describing Issues Addressed And Effects Experienced, Including The Central Nervous System, Brain, Pineal Gland;
The Immune System; Cell Activity; And Many More Metabolic Functions.
- Gold Is A Superconductor Of Electrical Impulses, And Said To "Transform Neural Pathways From Dirt-Roads To Superhighways." Our
Otherworldly-Wonder Comprises The Maximum Amount Of 99.99%-Pure Gold That The Ultraconcentrated Formulation Can Sustain While Maintaining Stability;
So, If One Claims Not To "Feel Anything," Well... Other Functions Of PURE GOLD That Might Are Immeasurable: Repair Of DNA, Regeneration Of
The Pineal Gland, Stimulation Of Neurons Of The CNS, Purification Of The Blood, Boosting Of The Hepatocytes Of The Immune System, Detoxification Of The
Body's Tissues,....
- Ultraconcentrated With THE MOST PURE GOLD, Which - For Scientific Reasons - Is Made In Three Distinct Batches: One With Particle Size Less Than
2 Nm; One With Particle Size Between 2 And 12 Nm; One With Particle Size Between 13 And Greater Than 24 Nm. Then, After Their Completion,
The Three Batches Are Combined, Rendering A Single Batch Containing Gold Particles Less Than 2 To Greater Than 24 Nm. See Images Of Our
Metallic-Gold Floating On Top Of Our Ultraconcentrated Colloidal Gold Above, And Also Our Beautiful, Inimitable, Ultraconcentrated Formulations On Our
YouTube Channel And Website.
- See The Many Paragraphs-Long Testimonials From Healthcare Practitioners And Patrons Worldwide Describing Uses Of EnerGoldĀ® Ultraconcentrated
Colloidal Gold As A Topical Agent, Spraying Into The Nasal Passages, Ears, Eyes, And Mouth For Dental/Gum Issues, And Also Applying To Wounds And
Infections, Insect Bites And Stings, P. Ivy And Oak, Acne And Boils, Eczema And Psoriasis, Herpes Outbreaks, And The List Goes On. Also,
For Pain And Inflammation Of Bruises, Bangs, And Arthritis, Many Spray And Massage Into The Affected Area, As The Gold Is Absorbed Deep Into The
Tissues For Relief.
Please note: EnerGold® 24-Karat Gold in a Bottle Colloidal Gold, because it is a supersaturated solution of gold atoms in suspension, should NEVER be:
- Exposed to other substances; that is, never touch the solution with your finger, your mouth, a cottonball, etc., as the tiniest amount
of oil or particulate entering the solution will cause a collapse, causing a different conformation of the gold particles, and turning the solution purple.
- Frozen or exposed to near-freezing temperatures for a prolonged period, which might occur during shipping. Please SHAKE VIGOROUSLY
upon your receiving your supply. If, however, a freezing had occurred during transit, a coagulation of dark-purple gold atoms might occur during
transit or sometime soon thereafter. Pressing a piece of this coagulated material against a white surface will reveal a pink-purple color:
This is GOLD! If shaking vigorously does not bring the solution back to homogeneity, will be happy to send another bottle to you.
Shipped In Quintuple-Bubble-Wrapped Envelope USPS Priority Mail (fewer breakages than in boxes).

Advice From Our Many Aficionados Around The World On Uses And Dosages
From our many testimonials, it can be seen that, in general, many people report that they dispense about a capful before bed under the tongue,
allowing the gums and mouth tissues to absorb the ultraconcentration of gold, and then swallow in order to ensure a restful night's sleep. Some
people prefer to exercise this regimen first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, which they say ensures an energy-filled, mindful day. Some
people do both.  It must be recognized that everyone's experiences are unique, dependent upon his/her genetic composition and body chemistry.
And, because gold is a potent cell regenerator, there are those that use our formulation as a topical agent, spraying into the nasal passages, ears, and eyes,
and also applying to wounds and infections, insect bites and stings, poison ivy and oak, acne and boils, herpes outbreaks, eczema - anywhere accelerated cell
regeneration of tissue is desired.
Along with repairing DNA, rejuvenating the pineal gland, regenerating the body's tissues, and
bolstering immune function, Gold is known to transform neural pathways from dirt-roads to superhighways.
Odious malcontents that claim not to "feel anything" should schedule a CT scan PRONTO.
Please take some time to review some of our hundreds of testimonials from
individuals worldwide on EnerGold® Ultraconcentrated Colloidal Gold, where you will read the many benefits of EnerGold® from individuals with a similar
situation to yours sharing their advice on use, methods of use, frequency of use, what ailments and disorders are addressed, and effects experienced.