EnerGold® Otherworldly-Wonder
Described by healthcare professionals and patrons worldwide as "Miracle in a Bottle," EnerGold® Monoatomic Gold/ORMUS is the WORLD'S ONLY with Pure-Gold,
and you will notice
immediately its rosy-golden hue and a sparkling radiance resembling metallic gold, but with a silky-smooth texture and lightweight
purity, ultraconcentrated with >1 milligram of PURE GOLD in only 1/10 of a gram! Marvel at its sparkling radiance in the sunlight. The silky-smooth,
fine-grain texture facilitates assimilation into the skin, bloodstream, cell membranes, and body's tissues.
Our patrons report that they dispense about 1/16 teaspoon under the tongue or onto the palate (close to the pineal gland) in the morning, allow it to dissolve,
and then swallow. Some people sprinkle a bit into their drinking-water and sip throughout the day; some people consume a bit before meditation, and the
list goes on. This does not include application on the skin and addition of EnerGold® products to soaps, lotions, and oils for topical
application. And, with regard to ingestion, you will find, also, that - because EnerGold® formulation is ultraconcentrated with pure gold,
and gold is a superconductor
of electrical impulses - some people use much less than 1/16 teaspoon, describing their usage in terms of "grains," and some do not find need to consume
every day. Many of our veteran customers inform us that a .1-oz. vial used in this manner can last 4 weeks, and for some even longer.
Remember to start with minute amounts to begin with, as EnerGold® Monoatomic Gold/ORMUS is highly concentrated with pure gold: 1 milligram of pure gold for
every .1 gram of powder! For more advice, we refer you to just some of the many testimonials from individuals around the world, by reviewing some of the many
detailed testimonials.
It must be remembered that everyone possesses a unique genetic composition and body chemistry; and, because gold is a superconductor of electrical impulses,
there are those that are much more sensitive to the power of gold than others. In reading the many detailed testimonials, one understands that a great
"balancing" occurs within the individual, relative to his/her chemistry, with some describing internal cleansing or "detox," heightened senses, deeper
meditation, a feeling of calm, and elevated spirit, to name just a few. But these effects, described by many, vary from day to day, as the individual's
body chemistry adjusts to its new direction as determined by the superconductivity of this most-noble element. Because EnerGold® is the ONLY Monoatomic Gold
in the ENTIRE WORLD ultraconcentrated with Pure Gold, there are those that describe profound benefits regarding the symptoms of autoimmune diseases, Central
Nervous System disorders, Immune System dysfunction, as well as skin issues: used as a topical agent, mixing with water and spraying into the nasal passages,
ears, and eyes, and also applying to wounds and infections, insect bites and stings, poison oak and ivy, acne, eczema, herpes outbreaks, and the list goes on.
Also, it must be considered that, although many individuals describe extraordinary life-improving benefits, many use EnerGold® products for effects that are
not readily perceptible or measurable, such as deflection of radiation and electromagnetic fields (EMFs), DNA repair, regeneration of the pineal gland,
stimulation of the neurons of the Central Nervous System, detoxification of the body's tissues, purification of the blood, boosting of the hepatocytes of
the Immune System, stimulation of cell regeneration, and many more metabolic functions.
EnerGold® Pure-Gold-Based Monoatomic Gold/ORMUS - World's ONLY PURE-GOLD-Based And -Infused Scientifically-Proven PURE M-State ORMUS!
Made With The Highest-Purity Commercially-Available 99.99%-Pure Gold.
You will notice the deeper rose-gold color, more-sparkling iridescence (Observe in the sunlight), and silkier-smooth texture as a result of the addition of more than
DOUBLE the amount of pure gold in the new formulation: >1 milligram in only 1/10 of a gram, only a few grains! And you will want to adjust your use in
accordance with this greater concentration of pure gold. It has been endeavored to produce such a miracle wonder to enable the gold particles not to clump
but to be of a smoother texture for ease of assimilation into the skin, as many individuals - including those in the full range of medical practitioners - use this
miracle wonder for topical ailments, wounds, and skin rejuvenation supplementation.
Review Customer Advice, Uses, and Testimonials
• The WORLD'S ONLY ORMUS CONTAINING PURE GOLD! Proven By University Physicists Through Scientific Tests And High-Power Microscopy To Be Superconcentrated
Gold-Enriched PURE-M-State ORMUS Unsurpassed In Superconductivity And Magnetic Flux Of Monoatomic Elements: Ultraconcentrated With Pure-Gold Particles.
BEWARE: OTHERS' MYSTERY-MATERIALS DO NOT CONTAIN GOLD, Which Is Why They Cannot List "Gold" As An Ingredient In Supplement Facts Labels.
• Earning Supreme Acclaim By Healthcare Practitioners Worldwide, Including Plastic And Cosmetic Surgeons, Holistic Physicians, Homeopaths, Neurosurgeons, Wound
Specialists, Dermatologists, Osteopaths, Veterinarians, And Chiropractors. See Our Many Paragraphs-long 5-Star Testimonials Describing Issues Addressed And Effects
Experienced, Including The Central Nervous System, Brain, Pineal Gland; The Immune System; Cell Activity; And Many More Metabolic Functions.
• Gold Is A Superconductor Of Electrical Impulses: Our Ultraconcentrated Formulations Comprise The Maximum Amount Of 99.99%-Pure Gold, That Can Be Neither
Imitated Nor Reverse-Engineered. Not Like Others' Non-Scientifically-Proven, No-Energy, Dead, Matte-White, Sandy, Gritty MYSTERY-MATERIALS With Lye, Dyes, Fillers,
And Polluted Salts And Sea-Water. And They Hide Their Mystery-Materials In Colored Bottles.
• With The Maximum Amount Of 99.99%-Pure Gold, Our Marvelous Creation Is Denser With Small-Particle Gold, Mystically Displaying The Sparkling, Radiant Qualities
Of Metallic Gold While Being A Rosy-Golden, Sparkling, Iridescent, Lightweight, Silky-Smooth Powder. Zoom In To The Close-up Photos Of Our Sparkling Pure-Gold-Infused
Inimitable Otherworldly Marvel And Be Amazed!
• Because Our Ultraconcentrated Formulations Comprise The Maximum Amount Of 99.99%-Pure Gold, That Can Be Neither Imitated Nor Reverse-Engineered, They Have No
Expiration. The Date On The Label Is The COPYRIGHT Date NOT The Date Of Manufacture. Please Be Respectful Of The Great Expense Of The VAST Amounts Of Pure Gold,
Passion, Energy, And Labor That Go Into Our Otherworldly Marvel.
Returning patrons will notice the deeper rose-purple color, more-radiant sparkling phosphorescence, (Marvel at its sparkling radiance on your skin
in the sunlight), and silkier, finer-grain texture, as a result of the addition of more than DOUBLE the amount of pure gold in the new formulation! The
deeper the rose-purple color THE GREATER THE CONCENTRATION OF PURE GOLD! The silkier, finer-grain texture facilitates assimilation into the skin:
Many individuals worldwide - including practitioners in the full range of medicine - use this Miracle Wonder for skin-rejuvenation therapies. This
PURE-GOLD-ENRICHED Miracle Wonder should not dissolve easily in water: Gold does not "dissolve" in water!
EnerGold® Monoatomic Gold/ORMUS is the ONLY Monoatomic Gold/ORMUS in the ENTIRE WORLD that contains pure gold, and ultraconcentrated at >1 milligram in only 1/10
of a gram, only a few grains! (See Supplement Facts.) This is averred by testimonials from individuals around the world
suffering from fibromyalgia, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, myasthenia gravis, ulcerative colitis, scleroderma, dental and plastic surgeries, infections, skin ailments, and
on and on, because our "Miracles in a Bottle," as they are labeled by our patrons, are ultraconcentrated with PURE GOLD, and gold is a superconductor of electrical
impulses. This means transmission of communication between and among ALL CELLS OF ALL SYSTEMS OF THE BODY, stimulating accelerated cell regeneration, and
effecting miraculous life-improving benefits.
And, because gold is a deflector of and protector against radiation and electrmagnetic frequencies, all EnerGold® products are SELF-PROTECTIVE: They need
no protection; they PROTECT!
Reports to us of passing EnerGold® Monoatomic Gold/ORMUS through X-ray equipment
and placing EnerGold® close to microwaves prove no degradation of power or potency.
Therefore, our packing all of our Monoatomic Gold/ORMUS products in X-ray-proof bags is due only to the expectation of the general public and NOT out
of necessity. Other companies, however, MUST pack their Mystery-Materials in foil-lined protective wrapping, because THEY CONTAIN NO GOLD!
No Lye! No Dyes! No Salts! No Fillers! Not like others' matte-white, sandy, gritty "mystery-material"!
Sparkling, Iridescent Otherworldly Marvel with a 99.99%-Pure-Gold-Enriched Rosy-Golden Hue, Sparkling Iridescence, Lightweight Purity, and Silky-Smooth Texture.
Our inimitable recipe of the purest ingredients will ensure that you will be mystified and astonished by EnerGold® 24-Karat Gold in a Bottle Monoatomic Gold's cosmic beauty. (See video here.) While holding it in your hand, you will notice immediately its:
- Pearlescent glow: Spread a small amount on your skin. Observe it with a magnifying-glass in the sunlight and marvel at its sparkling iridescence.
- Near-weightlessness: Lift some with your finger. You will be amazed by its lightness, purity, and silky-smooth texture.
- Appearance of defying gravity: With some on your finger, slowly rotate your finger and notice the Monoatomic Gold's adherence to your finger and what appears to be self-magnetism.
Made with:
- Our own Ultraconcentrated Colloidal Gold, our own Colloidal Platinum, our own Colloidal, and our own Colloidal Copper
- 99.99%-Pure gold, platinum, and copper ingots from our own colloidal solutions-making processes
The ingredients undergo various proprietary high-voltage and alchemical processes that extract the monoatomic elements from the ingredients. Then,
after multi-step rinsing and processing with our Ultraconcentrated Solutions of Gold, the precipitate is sun-dried, enabling infusion with the power of the sun's
rays. The end-result is a super-potent, gold-enriched other-worldly marvel with a rosy-golden pearlescent phosphorescence.
Each specified size contains as much as 50% more in order to account for settling. Packaged in a Clear-glass, Food-grade Jar.
Packed in X-ray-proof Bag.
See the following Supplement Facts labels, highlighting the ultraconcentration of small-particle PURE GOLD in the most-minute (1/10-gram) amount:
 (UPC 638872595647)
 (UPC 602401693814) >
Advice From Our Many Aficionados Around The World On Uses And Dosages
From our many testimonials, it can be seen that, in general, some people dispense about 1/16 teaspoon under the tongue or onto the palate (close to the pineal gland)
in the morning, allow it to dissolve, and then swallow. Some people sprinkle a bit into their drinking-water and sip throughout the day; some people
consume a bit before meditation, and the list goes on. This does not include application on the skin and addition of EnerGold® products to soaps, lotions,
and oils for topical application. And, with regard to ingestion, you will find, also, that - because EnerGold® formulation is ultraconcentrated with
99.99%-pure gold, and gold is a superconductor - some people use much less than 1/16 teaspoon, describing their usage in terms of "grains," and some do not find need
to consume every day. Many of our veteran customers inform us that a .1-oz. vial used in this manner can last 4 weeks, and for some even longer.
Remember to start with minute amounts, as EnerGold® Monoatomic Gold/ORMUS is highly concentrated with 99.99%-pure gold.
You will find, also, that many people advise not to consume before bedtime, because of the resulting great amount of energy and brain activity. However,
due to the many and varied uses, there is no "official" use or dosage. Everyone possesses a unique genetic composition and body chemistry; therefore,
everyone's experiences will be unique, and some have greater sensitivities than others. EnerGold® formulations are ultraconcentrated with 99.99%-pure
gold; and, because gold is a superconductor, there are those that are much more sensitive to the power of gold than others. So it is essential that
everyone experiment with what is appropriate for him/her. Although many individuals describe extraordinary life-improving benefits, many use EnerGold®
products for effects that are not necessarily "felt," such as deflection of radiation and electromagnetic fields (EMFs), stimulation of the neurons of the Central
Nervous System, detoxification of the body's tissues, DNA repair, regeneration of the pineal gland, purification of the blood, boosting of the hepatocytes of the
Immune System, stimulation of cell regeneration, and many more metabolic functions.
Please take some time to click here and review some of our hundreds of testimonials from
individuals around the world on EnerGold® Monoatomic Gold/ORMUS, where you will read the many benefits of EnerGold® from individuals with a similar
situation to yours sharing their advice on use, methods of use, frequency of use, what ailments and disorders are addressed, and effects experienced.
Note: Because everyone possesses a unique genetic composition and chemistry, one should consult his/her healthcare practitioner before use and also test
for sensitivity, especially if one's chemistry is modified by medication. And, if a sensitivity becomes apparent, cease use immediately.
EnerGold, LLC makes no claims on the uses or effects of EnerGold®. Information on EnerGold® is provided for informational purposes only.
EnerGold, LLC is not responsible for misuse or side-effects as a result of use of EnerGold®, and the consumer accepts all responsibility.
Made in U.S.A. © 2024 EnerGold, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Contact: info@energold24k.com.
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